Why Did Mikasa Kill Eren, As we approach the finale of Attack On Titan season 3, there are many questions about why Team Mikasa killed their own leader, Commander Erwin Smith. Some believe that it had to do with his refusal to back down from attacking the Yeager family during the Rekka no Katsu episode, while others think he was trying to save himself by letting Levi lead the assault.
There is one theory that has been discussed quite a bit and seems to make the most sense as to what really happened in this past week’s episode. It goes like this: because Captain Griggs tried to talk some sense into him before the battle started, Erwin knew he would be blamed for any deaths that occurred. He also probably realized that he wouldn’t get much sympathy once people found out who he was.
So instead of waiting until after the fight to take responsibility, he decided to go ahead and kill himself right then and there. This gives those around him (like Lt. Agnus) an excuse to say that they couldn’t stop him. And it removes the burden of having to explain away his actions to everyone else.
The problem with this theory is that it doesn’t seem very likely. If Erwin actually wanted to die, he could have just done that earlier when Captain Griggs tried to talk him out of leading the attack.
She witnessed her friends being tortured and killed
In the second season, we are finally given more context to why Captain Mikasa ordered Eren’s assassination in the first place. It was because he saw everything that happened at Zeke’s house as his own fault.
Did mikasa regret killing eren, He blamed himself for what had occurred back then and felt guilty for not protecting them. He also knew it would only draw more hostility their way, making things worse for everyone involved.
So, instead of trying to talk sense into him or reasoning with him, she decided to take matters into her hands.
She picked up a spear off the ground next to where they were fighting and stabbed him repeatedly until he stopped moving. Then, she covered his body in sand so no one could find him later.
It was quite tragic really– someone who wanted nothing but peace sacrificed his life to bring about an even greater war.
She was threatened with death
After she saved his life, he called her “daughter” and tried to kill her. It is possible that this influenced her decision to end his life later.
It has been shown multiple times throughout The Attack of the Titan Series that humans are not well-adjusted when faced with danger or threat of death.
Many characters have stated how they could feel their own self-destruction coming after being forced into doing things they would never normally do. This creates an internal struggle for them, as they want to avoid the deadly action but at the same time they cannot.
Mikasa understood what it felt like to be in this position and she was able to control herself despite having similar feelings. Even before she arrived at Wall Rose, she had made up her mind to take revenge on him.
This shows that even someone who comes from a very violent culture can restrain themselves from killing under certain circumstances.
She was disturbed by the things she saw
Why did mikasa kill eren reddit, As we discussed earlier, there are two main theories about why Mikasa killed her brother. The first is that she felt he had betrayed the Yeager family by choosing to stay with the Reiss family instead of joining them in their quest for power. This made her feel ashamed as a daughter of the Yeagers, so she decided to take revenge.
The second theory is that she wanted to punish him for leaving her alone after they found out about his affair with Shana. He broke up with her because she would never agree to marry someone else, but then he went back to her when he realized how much he loved her.
He tried to convince her not to tell Erwin about their relationship, which only made her more determined to do it. When he asked who gave her the right to decide what should be told to others, she lost control and stabbed him repeatedly before calling on the titan powers to destroy both herself and him.
She lost her mind
After everything that had happened, all of their experiences together, it finally came to this. The most brutal battle in the entire show. Two very powerful beings going at each other with everything they’ve got.
Mikasa was extremely loyal to her friends, she would do anything for them, even if it meant sacrificing herself. And there was no way she could predict what kind of dark side transformations Eragon might go through as he trained under Shao-la.
But what made things particularly difficult was the fact that she truly loved him.
He inspired such strong feelings in people, which is why so many characters were able to see past his flaws and bad decisions. Even now, when he has done some unforgivable things, you can still feel an element of respect for who he is.
And let’s not forget how much he cares about others. He gave up part of himself to save Hilda and Jean, two complete strangers.
So while yes, he makes awful choices, he also genuinely tries to fix his mistakes later on. But none of those efforts are enough to change how he treated Zeke and Connie before. They both felt like they received little to no care from him.
This is why it took such a long time for Mikasa to realize just how hurt she actually was.
She snapped
In season three, episode eight of Attack On Titan, “The Battle Between Life And Death”, we are treated to one of the show’s most iconic scenes. After witnessing her friend Reiner get brutally murdered in front of her by an enraged Eren, Captain Levi orders both him and his fellow soldier Mikasa to kill each other before they can attack anyone else.
As she holds each other’s faces close together, their eyes meeting as they prepare to take their own lives, it is clear that something has gone terribly wrong for these two individuals.
They no longer feel hatred or malice towards each other; instead, there is only quiet resignation. It’s almost like they have given up and accepted what will happen next.
After all, why should either of them care anymore? They have already lost those they love, so why try to save the others when you yourself could be the next victim?
It’t not that they don’t want to live any more, but rather they have nothing left to live for. Or at least, that’s how it seems.
There’s always tomorrow, they tell themselves, but after today, what is there really worth living for? You’ve spent your life protecting people who never protected you, sacrificing everything you had so that maybe some day someone would notice you or think well of you, but now you’re alone with just memories.
She killed Eren
After all of his ranting, she decided to put an end to him for good. While he was trying to convince her that humanity was wrong, she had already made up her mind.
She would rather watch everyone in this city die than see humans destroy each other.
Mikasa understood human nature too well. If left alone, they would keep repeating the same patterns over and over again until it destroyed them or someone else did.
That’s why she never allowed people to be close to one another. Even when she loved someone, she kept them at a distance because she knew what could happen if they got too close.
Her hope was that one day they’d realize how much pain they were causing themselves and others and let go. But that wouldn’t happened yet…
So instead, she chose death as their solution. For herself and for anyone like Eren who couldn’t seem to grasp the true potential of mankind.
It was her ultimate sacrifice to help ensure that no one ever hurtes another again.
She regretted it
Following her fight with Reiner, she sat alone in his room for some time before leaving to find him. As she made her way down the hallway, she heard voices coming from one of the rooms.
She froze as she recognized both of their voices. One was Fritz’s, but he didn’t sound happy. The other voice sounded like Grisha Eradicator’s, only much harsher. It took several seconds, but at last she realized who those two were talking about. Eren. And Mikasa.
As she listened in horror, she could hear them discussing what they should do next. At that moment, she knew there was no going back. Even if she wanted to, even if she tried hard enough, she couldn’t undo this murder.
So instead she did something unexpected. Something terrifyingly violent.
She ran towards them.
With every ounce of strength left in her body, she launched herself into the middle of the two men. With all three of them struggling against each other, she wrapped her hands around Eren’s throat. Then she began squeezing. Hard.
Mikasa held onto him tightly while he choked and gasped for air. All she could think about was how sorry she felt. How guilty she felt. But still, she kept doing what she had to do.
She has PTSD
After witnessing her family get shot in front of her, Mikasa killed many people to save herself. She was scared for her life, and she felt that there was nothing else she could do but end it all.
She suffered from severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after what happened at Shoura District. Not only did she have to deal with the deaths of several loved ones, she also had to witness other people’s suicide attempts.
This made her feel even more traumatized and helpless. Her fear turned into anger as she took out her rage on anyone who got close to her.
Her depression worsened because of this. She would stay alone for hours and would not speak to anyone. When she did talk, it was about how much pain she was going through or something related to the war.
Mikasa thought that everyone around her wanted to die, which is why she considered killing herself too. However, she couldn’t bring herself to actually do it until now.
It is important to note that although she was angry before, she never really lost control like she did today. This proves that her mental state was deteriorating rapidly due to her PTSD.
After leaving the military base, she drove back home where she found Zeke waiting outside for her. He tried talking to her, asking if everything was okay, but she ignored him.