Several folks received calls from numerous unknown numbers in a single day. They may only receive calls sometimes, or they may receive calls on a frequent basis that irritates them, ruins their plans, and consumes a lot of time. Therefore, you need to know who called you from that number in order to ban a call or a caller. Let’s discover some important information about 202-868-5444 and a few more numbers before moving on.
Why do they call me so frequently from 202-868-5444?
If you get a strange call from 202-868-5444 and want to find out who it is, this post may be helpful to you.
Is 202-868-5444 a fraudulent phone number?
Do you think the unknown caller from 202-868-5444 could be who they say they are? According to the report, it is a “ringing twice” fraud. The phone rang two or three times, hung up, and no message was left.
Others said that it was a reward scam. The date as well as the social security number are required. The call will end if they don’t participate since the other person won’t speak up.
A recorded message with the words “Mia with Appreciation Money” or “You are awarded a prize” was played for certain listeners. All of these claims suggest that the given number is a fraud, as both of them assert it to be.